Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What just happened?


That's the word that comes to mind.

It's the only word I can think of to describe my day.

My day started much like it did yesterday.

With nightmares.

At 4am.

It's called sleep paralysis.  I have now officially self-diagnosed.  I've had these nightmares, this sleep paralysis.  It's a real thing.  If you don't know what I am talking about, HOPE that you NEVER have this happen to you.  It is terrifying!!  For me, it is typically very dark.  I cannot move my head or hands or body at all.  Sometimes I can't even blink.

Most of the time my eyes are closed.  I will see (when eyes are open) or hear voices that aren't there - such as the other day, thinking my mother-in-law was coming down the steps.  Other times, there is a darkness.  Someone is there.  Standing over me.  Ready to rape or kill me.  I don't know how to make it stop.  They tell you to get more sleep, reduce stress, etc...yeah, well...maybe someday...

So, that happened yesterday and this morning.  At 4am.  I would try to go back to sleep and during the next several hours, it would continue happening.  So I wasn't getting any rest at all during this time.  Which is both annoying and exhausting.

Back to my day.

So I woke up to this sleep paralysis.

We chilled this morning, then we drove to my mother-in-law's house so that she could watch the kids while I went for a 1pm job interview.  This was one that the temp agency found me, and I decided that if I didn't get the Ritenour secretary job, I would settle and do something like call center work.  Work that I knew I was well qualified for.  Work that I knew I could excel in.  So, I went to this call center place and had to take a math test.



If you've ever read anything I've written about math, you should know that I hate numbers.  I despise math.  And I especially hate word problems!!!  This test was 10 questions.  ALL word problems.  If you miss 2, they won't even interview you!!!  No pressure right???

There were 2 questions I was sure I got wrong, but I was pretty confident about the rest.  HOWEVER, I actually missed 3.  When I asked her about it, she said that it was OK.  She interview me anyway.

And then, she took me over to talk to the head of Human Resources.  She was just as pleasant as the manager and I got a really good feeling about the company as a whole.  It sounded as if they were willing to hire me right then & there.  But I was honest with them.  I told them that I was waiting to hear back from Ritenour.  And then we decided I would call Ritenour to see if they had nade a decision, so I didn't have to just keep waiting.  I'm already 2 days behind in the training class as it is.  If I was going to start this new job, it would have to start TOMORROW!!

I left the interview about 2 hours later.  I was there for a very long time.  But I had a really good feeling about it.  And honestly, my skills are more suited to customer service/call center work than anything else.  I will probably be happier and more confident in this role.

But, what about Ritenour?  I mean, $17/hour is really hard to pass up.  I was determined to make a decision today.  So I called and got no answer.  Then I decided that the easiest thing to do would be to DRIVE to the admin office and just ask the hiring person if I was even a candidate.  I was told that they offered the job to someone else yesterday, and that person accepted.

That made my decision easier.  I called the call center back and they told me they would get back with the temp agency right away.  And they did.  I had my phone ringing left and right.  It was a little chaotic!

So things were already crazy.  Then I went to pick up the kids and when I got there, the temp agency called and said I would have to drive to Alton (right then!) and fill out the tax forms.  So, the kids and I went to Alton.  I filled everything out and got direct deposit set up.  Tomorrow morning, before I go to work (training), I have to take a drug test.  People were harassing me about my horrible math skills by saying that I would do better taking a drug test than a math rest!

Well, there you have it.  I have a job.  In a call center.  Making just enough money to pay our bills!  I had looked forward to using the next 3 days to finish laundry and get the house in order so it would be good when school started.  But, it seems that won't be happening.  I am working 9-5am until training is over (around 2 weeks), and then my schedule will be 10:30am-7:00pm.  Not ideal...and it will interfere with several other events/plans but we'll work through it and figure it out.  Kris will come home in time to get the kids off the bus, deal with homework and dinner, and then wait patiently for his wonderful, hard-working wife to come home.  ;-)

Thank you for your prayers.  They are appreciated!  Please pray that I will rest tonight.  Sleep without the nightmares/paralysis.  I have heard that the Neurontin (Gabapentin) that I am on can cause vivid dreams/hallucinations.  So I am going to try to NOT take it before bed and see if that makes a difference.

So there is the job update.  Please excuse any grammar/spelling errors.  I am about to fall asleep and so it can't be helped...it's been a crazy day!


  1. congrats on the job! Never heard of that sleep disorder. My dad takes neurontin and has said it gives him vivid dreams. I hope you have a smooth training period and that you enjoy this job. :-)

    1. Well...obviously I am behind on responding to comments and you already know that the job didn't 'work out'. :-) Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.
